Sam's Page:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Santa's Underwear

Here's a fun idea for a Christmas gift for a neighbor, student teacher, bus driver, etc.  All you need is a sheet of red felt, a few small buttons, crochet thread or embroidery floss, a cute tag and candy.  Cut the felt into two pieces to look like long underwear - a front and back.  You should have room on the piece to also cut a back flap. (See back view photo below.)  Stitch the buttons and back flap on with the crochet thread.  Then stitch the front and back together, leaving the neck open.  I like the look of the hand stitching, but I guess if you wanted to make a bunch, you could machine stitch them.  Let the kids help!  They don't have to be perfect.  Then stuff it with candy through the open neck and attach a tag that says:

I looked for a stocking
but couldn't find a spare,
so I ended up stuffing
Santa's long red underwear!

I have to thank my friend, Torrie, for this darling idea.  So cute.  Enjoy!

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