Sam's Page:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


That’s how many words Spencer read this year.  In fact, he read the most of anyone in the school district and was recognized at the board meeting tonight.  Our schools participate in the Reading Counts program and Spencer had 1,430 points!!  If you want to get technical, he actually had 1,443 points (and a few more words) but he selected the wrong author on one test and inadvertently took the test for a retelling of Treasure Island worth 4 points instead of the original book which was worth 17.  In all, he read 75 books, and these are books like the Harry Potter series, the Redwall books, Fablehaven, and the Chronicles of Narnia, to name a few.  Not exactly quick reads!

Fifth grade wasn’t very challenging so Spencer would usually come home from school homework free and climb into his “comfy place” on the couch.  Some days he’d read for hours, always tuning out the world around him.  He definitely inherited his Grandpa’s love of reading.  Way to go, Spencer!

I’m sure Spencer would be up for some recommendations since he’s read everything in our house (at least once) and then some.  Reading is obviously his favorite pastime and we’ve got the whole Summer ahead of us…

Friday, May 7, 2010

Say What?

Last Sunday Sam volunteered to say the dinner prayer.  Savannah mentioned that Sam had said a lot of prayers already at church and that he was sure to have a pretty wife!  According to one of Savannah’s friends, each time you say a prayer it means your future spouse will be that much better looking.

Listening in, Sterling didn’t miss a beat before saying,

“Wow.  My future wife sure must be saying a lot of prayers.”

What a funny (and handsome) guy.