Sam's Page:

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Lego Nativity, compliments of Sterling. Shepherds and drummer boy on left, Wisemen and camel on right. 

Close-up of baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. :)

I've been AWOL this month. No excuse, really. December hasn't felt nearly as frantic as it often does. We had 6 concerts or recitals in 9 days a couple of weeks ago, but even then, what a great way to spend our December evenings! 

Our Christmas morning was full of fun and laughter. Our afternoon will be filled with games and food. We get to talk to Sam here in the next hour or so - definitely the thing I'm looking forward to the most!

We've been so blessed! Life is good. 

Merry Christmas. 

Edit: Sam is doing so well! We miss him, but wouldn't want him to be anywhere else. It was great to talk with him. :)

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Spirit of Christmas

What a beautiful video. It brought tears to my eyes (and down my cheeks). This is what I believe.


Monday, December 1, 2014

Share the Gift

I'm so grateful for this beautiful video to help me Share the Gift of our Savior this Christmas. It's the perfect way to start off this crazy, commercial fiasco we call December and help bring the focus back where it belongs. This is the message Sam is sharing -- the one worth devoting two years of his life for.

Christ is the Gift. Knowing that puts everything else in its proper perspective.


(2025: The video was no longer available so I found this one, which I think is the same as the one originally posted, just from a different source.)