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Friday, April 21, 2017


Have you heard of GENTRI? It's short for The Gentlemen Trio and we are fans! We've been playing their music on repeat for the past week and can't get enough.

They also have some great videos to go along with their music. Here are just a few of my favorite songs...

Guide Me To Thee: I bought the sheet music for this one and I want my boys to learn it. So pretty.

Dare: We all love this one. It's also a sweet video. :)

Enough: This is a beautiful song, but the video is a total tear jerker. You might want to grab a tissue. Make sure you watch the whole thing, but don't say I didn't warn you!

I hope you love them as much as we do! :)

Monday, April 10, 2017

Lip Sync Battle 2017

My boys were a hit at the Youth Lip Sync Battle on Saturday. Their number was a definite crowd pleaser and lots of fun! The competition was a little stiffer than last year so they didn't bring home the trophy, but from the many comments they received afterward, they should have! :) It was all in good fun so there were no hard feelings.

I love seeing what these three come up with. The choreography is all theirs and came together pretty quickly once they decided on a song. They were having a blast! Enjoy their performance of "Once There Was A Snowman," by Inside Out.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Prince of Peace

I'm home! :) I was gone for a week where I was able to spend time with Sam and Savannah out at BYU. Then my brother, Rob, and I drove down to spend time with my mom in Nevada. It was a great trip and I'm so happy I was able to go, even at this busy time of year, but it's always good to be home.

I don't want to wait another minute before sharing this beautiful Easter message from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is what I believe. Reflecting on the events of the past 6 months and everything that happened with my dad's illness and death, I don't know if I could have made it through without a testimony of Jesus Christ and His Atoning sacrifice. I can testify that the Savior really is the Prince of Peace.