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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Run for the Fallen

Yesterday Jeff and Spencer participated in a one mile run in honor of a soldier who died in Afghanistan.  The goal of the event was to have enough runners sign up so that each of the fallen soldiers from Illinois was represented.  The goal was met and Jeff and Spencer enjoyed their participation.  While I'm glad they were able to take part in the event, the best part for me was that Jeff actually ran the whole way.  You might be thinking that a mile is no big deal, but it's the first time in 16 years, almost to the day, that Jeff has really run.  Having been in a farming accident where he almost lost his leg in August 1994, and then having the support rod replaced 3 times in the past 5 years, he's finally been given the "all clear" and feels better than he has since the accident.  So he ran.  That's definitely something to be happy about.

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