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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Our Star

Neil Berg's '100 Years of Broadway' came to our community tonight.  It was an amazing show, giving us a big dose of Broadway with many popular songs sung by actual Broadway stars.  Some of the shows represented were Beauty and the Beast, Phantom of the Opera, Man of La Mancha, My Fair Lady, Westside Story, Carousel, Cats, Rent and several others.  The performers we were privileged to hear were Carter Calvert, Ted Louis Levy (he was so funny!), Rita Harvey and Grant Norman.  Neil Berg was the pianist for all numbers and there was also a drummer and bass player.  The acoustics were awesome in our brand new concert hall and it was really enjoyable.

In the weeks leading up to the production, local singers were encouraged to submit videos via YouTube, facebook, or myspace. Then the stars selected one winner and a few runners-up to perform the finale with the stars.  Savannah had been asked by a couple of friends if she would be the accompanist for their audition videos.  At the last minute, she decided to submit an audition video as well.  A week later, she was excited to receive an e-mail notifying her that she'd been selected as a runner-up. 

Among the 7 who were selected, Savannah was by far the youngest.  All were at least in college while Savannah is still in Middle School.  If you were to ask her, she'd say it was the best day of her life so far.  She really had a great time and I'm so happy that she had the opportunity to be a part of it.

Rita Harvey, Savannah and Neil Berg
Ted Louis Levy.  This guy can tap dance!
He called Savannah "the baby" because she was so young.

Grant Norman (a.k.a. Gaston and The Phantom)
 Not pictured: Carter Calvert

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