Sam's Page:

Friday, November 12, 2010

Dear Sterling,

Has it really been 9 years since I first held you in my arms?  I wondered how I ever lived without you before that moment.

Has it really been 8 years since you became our "tornado boy," always looking for something you could empty, climb, or otherwise destroy?  You were my hardest toddler, but your smile and innocence could melt any heart.

Has it really been 7 years since we had an alarm on our front door so we'd know when you escaped?  You've always been so adventurous.

Has it really been 6 years since you taught yourself to ride a two-wheeler?  You are the most determined kid I've ever met. 

Has it really been 5 years since you started preschool, literally kicking and screaming all the way?  It took a few weeks, but then you amazed us all with your caring spirit and all that you learned that year.

Has it really been 4 years since you became obsessed with Legos?  We would have done well to invest in the company back then...

Has it really been 3 years since you asked to take violin lessons?  That "practice run" turned out much better than any of us expected and you are amazing on that thing!

Has it really been 2 years since you started writing and illustrating stories?  You have always been so creative.

Has it really been 1 year since you were baptized?  You've made so many good choices since then.

Happy 9th Birthday, Boog.  I know I told you I'd try not to call you that in public, but since only 3 people read my blog do you think it might be okay just this once?  I love you, buddy.  I'm so glad you're mine!


  1. Sounds like a fun little boy and one who would fit in in our family too...especially that tornado and lego part!

  2. It's Ok...we already heard you call Boog a few times. Happy Birthday Sterling.

  3. How many years has it been since dad decided he needed to start saving his money so that one day he could bail Sterling out of jail someday?

  4. Rob,
    Dad was so impressed with Sterling during his last few visits that he informed me he is not saving for bail anymore. Perhaps you could convince Dad to put it in your iPad fund...
