Sam's Page:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gingerbread Houses

While we were staying with the Randall's last week, we decorated gingerbread houses.  A long-time tradition for their family, we are so glad they invited us to join in.  I don't know that I've ever really decorated my own gingerbread house before.  It was so fun and we all had such a great time!  True to form, Paula made the gingerbread from scratch.  We helped by contributing some of the candy decorations.  Darin has this down to an art form and he looks in books and on the internet to choose what his house will look like every year.  He and Paula's were definitely the most elaborate and thought out.  The preparations took all day - seriously a ton of work! - but a great time together.  Thanks, guys!

Darin and Paula's-the big ones in the back. Soren's is half-eaten in the front...
The DOG HOUSE is mine.  Do you love the "steamin' jobbie" by the door?


  1. You are so brave, patient, and crafty! I tried making a gingerbread house once and I will never do it again- EvEr! Great job!

  2. HR,
    A steamin' jobbie is what I stepped in way too many times in Scotland...
