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Thursday, March 24, 2011

I {heart} BYU!

Man, what a ride!   Tonight's game was a roller coaster.  Sadly, we lost to Florida in overtime, but to see BYU's shooting percentage, it's amazing we stayed with them as long as we did.  Florida guarded Jimmer so hard at the start that they basically shut him down.  In fact, I think it was around 13 minutes into the game before he had his first basket.  He still managed to score 32 points so I guess Florida knew what they were doing.  There are so many "if only's," but that's pointless.  I'm just happy we have a connection with such an amazing team.

I had to laugh when I walked into Sterling's room tonight and he was singing the 50 States song he learned at school where they sing all of the states in alphabetical order.  His version tonight went something like this:  Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Evilness, Georgia, Hawaii...  We honestly don't wish any ill will on Florida, but we really, really wanted BYU to win.  It was our best season in 30 years and we weren't quite ready for it to end. 

I'm glad we decided to go all out with a BYU themed party.  Each of the kids invited a friend and I spent most of the day in the kitchen preparing every blue thing I could think of (thanks to this post from Our Best Bites.)  Here is part of our spread:
We also had plenty of yummy breasticks and more dipped pretzels:
We're still keeping our eyes on Jimmer Fredette.  We don't currently have a favorite NBA team.  I'm fairly certain he'll be drafted early and we can't wait to see where he goes!  Thanks, BYU, for a great year!
Sterling looks the way we all feel!


  1. great posting and cute food decor!

  2. I had to check the blog, just to see if there was a BYU post from you....It was a sad day.

  3. What a great idea!!! So nice to see Jimmer got the highest votes for the All American team!!! Wahoo! And we'll never forget that 3 point shot from WAY behind the line. There is a sign in IF that says, "Jimmer's in 3 point range when we gets off the bus!
