Sam's Page:

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sam!

I can't let the day end without leaving a birthday message for my Sam.  I can hardly believe I have a 15-year old!  I clearly remember the first day I held him and it sure feels a lot closer than 15 years ago!

My due date was March 31 and at one of my last prenatal visits, I informed my doctor that I did not want to have this baby on April Fools Day.  Little did he know how accurate he was when he said, "Well, let's put it this way:  If it's a girl, she'll hate you for it when she's thirteen, but if she doesn't hate you for that then she'll hate you for something else -- and if it's a boy, he'll think it's cool!"  Fortunately, Sam thinks it's cool.  (And Savannah, who is 13, hates me for something else...)  Ha!

Sam is a great student (he can do no wrong in his teachers' eyes), he loves to read, he enjoys plants and botany in general (his favorite birthday gift was a collection of carnivorous plants from dad), he is a gifted musician (he plays the violin beautifully and has a great tenor voice), he is as silly as they come and he can be a great help.  I say can be because he's a teenager and sometimes he'd rather not do anything, thank you very much, but you get him on a good day and there is no stopping him!  I admire how conscientious he is.  He tries his hardest to avoid things that are not "virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy", though just walking down the halls at his high school often makes his ears burn!  I'm glad it bothers him.  He's a good kid and a good friend!

Sam, I am impressed with the young man you are becoming and I look forward to watching you progress over the months and years ahead.  Stick to your goals and don't compromise your standards for anyone.  You've got a bright future.  I wish for you every good thing.  I'm glad you're mine.
Love, Mom

{Of course, we have to have fun with Sam's birthday.  These are the cupcakes I made today: mashed potatoes and gravy, and spaghetti with meatballs.  I only wish I could come up with things like this on my own, but I have to thank the ladies over at Our Best Bites for these darling ideas.  Aren't they fun?  Sam had a good day!}


  1. happy birthday sam! love you cupcakes!

  2. Love the cupcakes! Wish we lived closer for a variety of reasons, one being to be close to such great kids who would be good for my boys. He has become such a great young man! He is looking so grown up and handsome.

  3. What on earth? The cupcakes are fantastic! I don't care if you got the idea from somewhere else or not. They look great!

  4. sweet post about your son. and those cupcakes are hilarious! and amazing.
