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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

When I said in my last post that things can always be worse, I meant it.  However, I didn't want them to actually get worse.  I was happy in my manageable state of things-are-a-little-crazy-but-I-can-handle-it chaos.  However, against my wishes, things got worse anyway. 

I guess I should say that the ants are gone.  That's a plus and it makes me very happy. 

Sadie returned to school today for the first time this week after her 24-hour bug turned into a 96-hour one.  She was pleasant and sweet the entire time, but by the end I was getting worried about my little bug.  Today she seems to be back to her old self and miraculously has much more energy that I would after hardly eating for 4 days.  Hooray for that!

However, the little bit of water we were getting in the basement has now turned into enough to make us wonder if we should start building an ark.  The ground is completely saturated and so, even though it stopped raining around midnight, the water continues to stream into my house.  We're trying to keep up, but my washer/dryer can only get through the towels so fast.  One whole side of my guestroom carpet is soaked.  Don't even talk to me about my storage room, but at least that's a concrete floor.  And there's more rain in the forecast. 

I'm sticking to what I said before:  Things could always be worse.  But I'm not interested in finding out just how much worse they could be. 

I just found another ant.  Make that two...  ARGH!!


  1. The carpet in our bedroom is soaked???
    Oh no... what did you do?

  2. Mom,
    No worries. After lots of towels and a dehumidifier, it's as good as new. (It helps that the rain finally stopped, too!) You won't need to bring your life jacket the next time you visit. :)
