Sam's Page:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Not a Moment Too Soon

This is the face of a guy who received the Anchor Award at Seminary Graduation tonight.  That means he:
  • memorized all 25 scripture mastery scriptures
  • Read scriptures for 200 days
  • Memorized the Presidents of the church in order
  • Memorized the Twelve Apostles & First Presidency in order
  • Read the entire Doctrine and Covenants and Joseph Smith History
  • Completed Seminary with at least 80% attendance (actually, Sam had 100%)
  • Did baptisms for the dead at least once during the year
  • Handed out two copies of The Book of Mormon
  • Invited two friends to church activities or meetings
  • spoke in Sacrament Meeting during the school year
  • Participated in a service project
  • (Not to mention the fact that he left the house before 5:30am five days a week to attend Seminary.)
I'm proud of Sam for his accomplishment.  He worked hard to get everything done and he really enjoyed his first year experience.  However, he was a few sections behind in his reading and got a little lazy about keeping up near the end of the year.  So yesterday and today he was in a reading frenzy trying to get done before graduation tonight.  He finished up just in time.  Literally.  I think he actually finished about 2 minutes before the meeting started.

Any suggestions on how to keep this kid from procrastinating will be greatly appreciated!!

{Way to go, Sam!}  :)


  1. Congratulations, Sam. That is a GREAT accomplishment. We are so proud of you for doing this. Can't wait to see you in July.

    Love you,
    Grandma & Grandpa M
