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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Mr. Onion Face

As soon as we got home from church today, I went to the kitchen to check on the roast.  As I lifted the lid off of the crock pot, here is what I found:

 There was Happy Mr. Onion Face smiling up at me.  Seriously.  Isn't that funny?  We thought so!
Here's a close up in case you don't see it... 

In other news, I was sustained today as the new Young Women President in our ward.  It's a big job and I'm a little overwhelmed by the whole thing, but I'm sure it will be a grand adventure.  For starters, I'm off to Youth Conference for three days this week.  Fun stuff!


  1. Congratulations Sister Stowell. You are going to be a great YW president!! Those girls are lucky!!! hope all is well!!

  2. You'll do so great in your calling!!!! I am excited to see what ideas you come up with too! Have fun at youth conference!

  3. Oh I didn't even see the little face -- I noticed right away that the two onions looked like eyes and the smaller onion piece below them looked like a smile. Roast sounds delicious right now!

  4. That smiley face was really an encouraging smile, telling you you'll be great as YW president. That was my calling for almost three years. I was released two years ago. It's a big calling, but I think it's one of the most important in the church. I have to say, even though I only cyber-know you, I'm thrilled for your YW to have a leader who loves being a mother and recognizes the worth of that role, and you seem to have that down! You'll be fantastic. I'm a little jealous my girls aren't in your ward.
