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Monday, July 4, 2011

Blessing and Baptism

Yesterday morning we went to church with my brother, Dave, where he blessed little Libby.  After the meeting, Libby snuggled right into Sam and fell asleep.  So sweet!  Sam thought that was pretty cool.

After a yummy brunch at Dave's house and a nice visit with family, we were on the road again.  Four hours later we pulled up to Jeff's parents home in Rigby, Idaho.   We were the last of Jeff's brothers to arrive and it's a full house.  My kids are still trying to figure out who everyone is.  Seeing their cousins once a year at best isn't nearly enough.  Everyone grows and changes so much in between that it's hard to remember everybody's name.  Fortunately we'll be here for a few days.

Last night we all went to the church and Soren was baptized.  It was so nice to have all of his Stowell aunts, uncles, and cousins there.  That was a real treat for us.  Grandma and Grandpa gave the talks and some of the cousins joined my kids for the musical number, Jesus Once Was a Little Child, with Sam on violin and Savannah on piano.  It was so pretty and yes, I cried.  Homemade ice cream and brownies completed the evening.  A great day!



  1. Very cute family! Congrats on your son's baptism.

  2. Beautiful family and I am amazed you blog while on vacation!
