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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vacation: Ririe Reservoir

I wimped out and wore a wetsuit but the water was much warmer than I expected!

Whenever we visit Jeff's parents in Idaho, one of the things I most look forward to is going out on Grandpa's boat.  I love to water ski!  We couldn't convince Jeff's dad to get out on the water this year, but he joined us so he could help drive the boat.  We had a great day.

Jeff makes it look so easy.  He's much braver than I!
The kids' favorite is the tube.  They had so much fun!
Sadie loves her daddy.  She never stopped grinning on their ride together!
Sam and Savannah had a crazy ride and actually acted like they like each other. 
Grandpa laughed a lot at my crazy kids.  He's a good sport!
Soren looks like someone out of Gilligan's Island. 
(We need a boat!)