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Monday, August 8, 2011

Girls' Camp - All Men Have Joy

This was on the back of their t-shirts.  Isn't it clever?
Savannah sweated it out at Girls' Camp last week.  It's held at a Boy Scout Camp over an hour from here. From what I've heard, the girls get to use the camp and facilities after the Scouts are finished with it for the summer which means early August and blazing hot!  Since it doesn't really cool down at night here, there is little relief from the heat and humidity.  But they make the best of it and have a great time anyway!  (If you're lucky, you get sick or hurt and get to go hang out in the air conditioned nurse's station for a while...) 

I could have gone for the week.  I thought about it and even planned on it.  But then a sister in our ward asked if she could go.  We already had a very capable camp director who was going.  With only 6 girls, we certainly didn't need 3 leaders.  I weighed the options - let's see...sweating all week, no makeup, sleeping in a tent (not to mention I snore like a chainsaw so I would have been banished to my own tent far, far away) - and I decided to stay home.  However, I did drive up and spend the day with the girls on Wednesday. 

I was able to witness Savannah's amazing fire building skills. Technically she and I were a team because there was an odd number of girls, but all I did was help gather the tinder and kindling.  She lit the fire (earning herself the title "one match wonder") and kept it going.  The object was to burn through the twine.  Savannah finished first and then bragged about how awesome she is to anyone who would listen wondered what to do for the next 30 minutes while the other girls tried to figure out how to light a freaking fire.
The Stake camp director rigged up a rope over a ravine for the girls to cross.  That was a highlight for Savannah and she handled it well until she started screaming, "Don't look down!  Don't look down!" after she looked down to see where she was.  You can see her screaming below:  (Honestly, she loved this and would have done it again if there had been time.)
I enjoyed my day.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy to sleep in my own bed that night, but I'm thinking about going for the whole week next year.  (Is there such a thing as battery powered A/C?)  Except for a bee sting and a bazillion mosquito bites on her feet, Savannah had a great time as well.  She made new friends and is looking forward to next year!


  1. Girls camp was a good part and an awful part of my time as young women's president. I don't like to camp. AT ALL! I like air conditioning, indoor plumbing and a bed. But it was nice being with the girls and you get to know each other in a different way.

    Your Savannah is cute and was sweet to leave a comment. Too bad we don't live by each other. Our girls could be friends.

  2. We went camping for three days while we were in Idaho. I seriously contemplated leaving after two because I couldn't stand the dirt, but my family was having such a good time that I didn't want to be the party pooper. Too bad you can't wait to see the forecast before you make your final decision next year.

  3. I love girls camp... best week of my life.

  4. Looks like camp was a success!!! Woohoo!
