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Friday, September 16, 2011

Sugar Free

I ate a piece of Savannah’s birthday cake last night.  Oh, it was so good!  Brownies with a cream cheesy mixture layered with chocolate pudding and cool whip on top.  Yum!  Eating birthday cake on a birthday may not seem like anything out of the ordinary, but the day before was the first time I’d eaten sugary treats in a month.   When the kids went back to school, I went off of sugar.  I love candy and cookies and dessert.  It’s hard for me to stop eating them once I start.  I’d tried going off sugar once before and made it less than 24 hours before I gave in.  I had a few reasons for my self-imposed sugar fast, the biggest being my desire to see if I had the willpower to follow through.  Turns out, I do. 

Here’s what I did:  I went off of obvious sugar - cookies, candy, cake, sugary cereal, hot chocolate, etc.  I didn’t go off of all sugar (I ate peanut butter), but I generally avoided things where sugar was listed as one of the first few ingredients.  To ease my cravings, I ate nuts, apples, and lots of watermelon. 

Here’s what I learned:
  • I have more willpower than I thought.
  • I can make a batch of cookies and not eat any of them or even sample the dough.
  • I can open a bag of m&m’s and divide them up for the kids’ lunches and not even eat one.
  • I can eat watermelon while the rest of the family is eating ice cream and be happy about it.
  • Avoiding sugar did not give me more energy or make me lose weight.
  • It was easier than I expected, though week three was the hardest.
  • I learned that I can avoid sugar, but that I don’t really want to.   I got tired of being the party pooper, always turning down dessert and never being able to taste or enjoy the things I love.  The kids would try to share their chocolate or other goodies and I always had to refuse. 
My epiphany:
I planned on keeping this up until my birthday in about three weeks, but then one day I had a realization.  I have enough willpower to give something up and follow through so why not pick something that will make a bigger impact on me and my family?   The sugar fast felt more like a chore by this point and I’d already decided I wasn’t going to continue once I reached my goal.  So I switched goals.  I’m doing well so far on my new “fast.”  I’ll elaborate more at another time, but I can already see that it’s making a difference!

*Click on the photo above which links to the recipe for Brownie Delight.  I've made a few minor changes to the recipe over the years (i.e., we usually put sprinkles or grated chocolate on top and skip the nuts.  I also use less milk when I make the pudding so it's not so thin,) but this is our preferred birthday "cake."  Always a hit!


  1. I can't imagine baking cookies without sampling the dough. That's some serious willpower! You are amazing, Missy!

  2. I can't believe you didn't lose weight!!! I've been thinking of giving up sugar for that reason. If I'm not going to lose weight, what's the use?!?!

    I do think I've lost some weight since dad's been out of town though. It's hard when he's around 'cause food is much more important to him than it is to me. I can forget about eating, but he can't. :)

    Now you've really got me wondering what your new goal (fast) is. Good luck with it.


  3. I'm excited to hear about your new goal.

    After trying and trying to lose weight (and yes, I did try going off sugar and it didn't work for me either) I've set another kind of goal and it's actually giving me some results. It's fun to be working toward something BIG.
