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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Meet Steve and Larry

"Ste-e-e-ve?  Steve, where are you?"

That would be Sterling looking for his lucky pencil.
(I know.  Who names their pencils?)

But Steve and Sterling have been together through the Violin I and II parts of his first composition and they are currently working together on the Viola part.

Last night I was practicing the guitar and I was making a note with a pencil I found near my chair. Sterling came downstairs and said, "Oh, I see you are using Larry.  That's okay.  You can."

Never a dull moment.

Steve, the lucky pencil, waiting for Sterling to come home.


  1. Hah! Love the idea of naming pencils! Why have I not thought of that?

  2. If we named our writing utensils would it be easier to find them?

    Look at you, practicing guitar. Good job!
