Sam's Page:

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Sam drove today with no adults in the car!!

Yes, Sam is the proud owner of his very own Driver's License! Wahoo!!!

Okay, I will confess that I was in no hurry. I mean, adding over $1100 to our auto insurance isn't something I was eager to sign up for. But when Jeff pointed out how much time this will save us, not to mention miles on the car, I reluctantly agreed. Now:

  • Sam can drive to Seminary. This saves Jeff 30 minutes every morning and 60 minutes on Fridays when it's in the next town.
  • Sam can drive to school. This will save me two trips a day for school and two trips a day for play practice and the car will only have to make the trip twice. (And I don't have to listen to anyone fight over who gets the front seat. Yes!)
  • Sam can drive the kids to church when Jeff and I have early meetings. No more dragging everyone there by 8:00. 
  • Sam can help drive on family vacations. Twenty-seven hours of driving in a stretch will be much nicer when divided by three. :)
  • Sam can take Sadie on dates to McDonald's. I know that may not sound too exciting to you (or me) but it's all Sadie can talk about since Sam walked in the door this afternoon. She even offered to pay! :)
  • Sam can run errands for me. Hooray! (I haven't mentioned this little perk to Sam. He'll be so excited, I'm sure!)
Well, I'm convinced. :)  Way to go, Sam!


  1. It's fantastic having extra drivers. Next fall my extra driver will leave for college and I won't have one again for almost two years. Boo!

  2. Curious. Sam isn't posed getting into the Mini...

  3. Missy, i too was reluctant at first. Then i realized all above mentioned. I really love it when kevin travels to have kents help. Ha ha. So much so we bought Kevin a new car and Kent is driving the red Jetta. We had planned that all along. I was not sure if I was going to be ready so soon. That changed fast. Ha ha.

  4. way to go sam! So excited for all of you!
