Sam's Page:

Monday, May 28, 2012


My younger brother, Rob, left on Saturday morning after a week-long visit to my little corner of the world. We crammed in as much as we could while he was here. It was a great week and I'm still trying to recover! :)

Rob likes cemeteries and we have bunches of little ones in this area so we visited a few of them while he was here. We saw the grave of Abraham Lincoln's father and stepmother. We found a grave that said it belonged to Abraham Lincoln's tutor. We came across several others of interest and searched for the earliest death date. 1824 was the earliest we found among those that were still readable.

We saw several graves belonging to soldiers, many of whom were killed in action. I was touched by this one of a 26-year-old soldier who died on July 4, 1865, just after the end of the Civil War.

So many people gave their lives to secure the freedoms I enjoy and I'm grateful.

(More on Rob's visit coming soon!!)


  1. Next time take photos of all the graves and post them to FindaGrave to help somebody find their "missing link"!!

  2. Next time take photos of all the graves and post them to FindaGrave to help somebody find their "missing link"!!
