Sam's Page:

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The matching shirts ended up being a great idea.  Much easier to keep track of everyone!
If you are a cheapskate like me, you should decide to go to Disneyland and then announce your plans to your kids and invite your parents and little brother before you realize how expensive it is.

Fortunately, I got over the sticker shock before we left on vacation and we all had a GREAT time! It really is a magical place.

I wish I took more pictures, but here are a few:

Sterling fighting Darth Maul at Jedi Training Academy. Sterling's dreams have now come true!

Soren takes his turn defeating the enemy.

Savannah and Sam - their faces pretty much sum up how they felt about most of the rides!

Soren announced that I was his buddy for the day and we stuck together!

Jeffrey and Katie. You don't get much crazier (or more fun!) than these two!!

Spencer, Grandma and Savannah.
(Somehow Grandpa escaped the picture taking...)

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