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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Studio C

One thing we love to do together as a family is watch Studio C on BYUtv. It's BYU's comedy troupe and they are awesome! Last fall, we looked forward to a new episode each week. Now we're watching them again as we await another season of laughs.

Here is one of my all-time-favorite skits. It seriously cracks me up every time!

You can find all 10 episodes here. Each episode is about 25 minutes of random comedy sketches.

Some other favorites include:

There are so many good ones! Which one is your favorite?

Three cheers for good, clean comedy. Yay!


  1. The blonde girl used to be in one of my wards. She's a funny one!

  2. What day and time is it on???

  3. It's on BYUtv on Monday evenings at 8pm MT. If you go to, you can search for Studio C and watch any of the episodes from there, anytime. We watch it on our ROKU which also allows us to watch any of the episodes whenever we want! :)

  4. Grandpa is shedding tears again....!!! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Funny! I'm looking forward to watching the rest of them. Thanks for sharing.
