Sam's Page:

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Spencer is 14!

Happy Birthday to my Spencer! 

Fourteen is always exciting. For his birthday, Jeff bought Spencer a razor and taught him to shave. Plus Spencer is now old enough to go to church dances. His first one is this Saturday. Yes!

Spencer is a great kid who is our avid gardener, who is adjusting very well to high school, who still sneaks in a good book every chance he gets and who goes to bed when he's tired. (I wish that idea would catch on with some others around here!)

Love you, buddy! I hope 14 is your best year so far!!


  1. Happy Birthday Spencer! We hope it was great!

  2. Sorry I missed calling you on your birthday, Spencer. I kept thinking about it the days leading up to it, and then spaced it on the big day!!! Hope it was awesome. ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. It's such a mixed bag when our kids just keep growing and growing. I love seeing the people they're becoming but each year brings them closer to the time when they'll leave to make their own way in the world and that just plain hurts.

    Happy birthday to your cute boy.
