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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Happy National Popcorn Day!

We love our popcorn around here so when I heard that today was National Popcorn Day, I whipped up a super quick batch of Peppermint Popcorn that is surprisingly addicting! There's something about the buttery-salty-sweet-minty flavor combination that just works well and keeps everyone coming back for more.

Here's all you need:

And here's all you do:
  • Pop one envelope of butter flavor microwave popcorn.
  • Remove the unpopped kernels.
  • Melt 2 oz. Almond Bark (one block) and stir into the popcorn until lightly coated.
  • While Almond Bark is still "wet," sprinkle 2 Tbsp. (give or take) of finely crushed up candy canes (you can use starlight mint candies, too) over popcorn and stir to distribute. 
That's it! It takes all of about 10 minutes from start to finish. You'll be lucky if the popcorn lasts that long when you're through!

Happy Popcorn Day! :)

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