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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Staying In

The view from my dining room
We're in the middle of quite a storm! It's actually really beautiful outside. The snow has been falling steadily all day. The temperatures are starting to drop and the wind is picking up. Church was canceled, thankfully. I wouldn't want to be driving in these blizzard conditions, especially since that would mean driving our 12-passenger rear wheel drive van 12 miles to the next town. We started out at 33º this morning and the temperatures are supposed to keep dropping through the night. Tomorrow's high is forecast to be -11º. Yuck.

We knew the storm was coming so we have plenty of food, gas for the generator if we lose power, lots of games and good company. It could be worse!

1 comment:

  1. Did you say Games? Oh, maybe I do wish we were still there!!!
