Sam's Page:

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Saying Goodbye

One of the members in Mesa posted this on her Facebook page (it made me cry a little bit...):

Oh, how we miss that boy! Today he's onto his next big adventure.

{Love you, Sam!}

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read your blog for a little while - call is swamped at work or something else. So I have been catching up...and I just read this one. While I LOVE LOVE LOVE every last post of yours (BYU beating Gonzaga after a choice fortune, your simply awesome new computer gadget to doodle and then put it onto the computer....ETC) THIS one brought tears to my eyes. Oh how we know how missionaries touch our families....and how we loved being a part of a family on our missions! But this is one of those dream come true posts for a mother, I am positive!!! I'm glad you got to see it...and that he is yours!!!!
