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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Signs of Spring

Finally. After what felt like the longest and coldest winter ever (...didn't I just say that last year?) we are finally starting to see signs of spring around here. What a gorgeous spring it's turning out to be.

There aren't really any leaves on the trees yet, but I can tell that will be happening any minute. The grass is perfectly green, though. It's even been mowed a couple of times. Tulips, daffodils and hyacinths are in bloom. Our fruit and decorative trees are full of blossoms.

You know that "Start Seeing Motorcycles" campaign? Here's a little midwest spin on that idea...

We even saw some big farm equipment working the fields while we were out yesterday. I love this time of year.

Welcome, Spring! I've missed you.


  1. Big Big Smile...Spring has become my favorite time of the year (oh, and Fall too) Beauty!!!!

  2. I love Spring! Favorite season. No question. Though we never really had a winter here this year which was odd.

  3. Your photography is beautiful. We are a good 3 weeks behind you, but it is coming!
