Sam's Page:

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Indianapolis Temple

We've been attending the St. Louis temple since we moved here in 2000. Next month, a new temple in Indianapolis will be dedicated and that will be "our" temple from now on.

After a temple is built and before it is dedicated, it is open to the public to tour and learn why temples are so important and sacred to members of our church.

That public open house is going on right now.

Through August 8th (Sundays excluded), you can go inside the temple. We're looking forward to attending the open house this Friday. This is really a unique opportunity because it's the only time that this temple will be open to the general public.

The temple will be dedicated on August 23. After that, only members who hold a recommend (where members certify that they keep the commandments and are prepared to keep sacred temple covenants) will be allowed to enter.

If you're interested and would like to attend the Indianapolis Temple Open House, here's what you need to do:

Click on this link:
Click the "reserve now" button under the Indianapolis Indiana Temple.
Follow the instructions to choose a day and time that works for you.

Maybe I'll see you there! :)


  1. So beautiful! Wish we could go to it. We went to the Payson open house and it was incredible. Love the open houses.

  2. It's been a LONG time since I've read your blog...mostly this summer I've been out of commission on the blog seen. I chose to comment on THIS one for a couple mentioned moving to Illinois in 2000 which brought thoughts of us moving in 2001 and meeting you shortly after at our OLD church when you came down with the RS Presidency. that is a memory!!! AND...because it is about the TEMPLE. I wish I had made it up there....but I DO love the temple!!!

    Hope all is and miss you!
