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Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Lake House

We're just wrapping up our Spring Break. It was a much needed week off of school! I love how the local school district and EIU take the same week off so we're able to do fun stuff as a family.

The Lake House

This year we spent three days at a friend's lake house about 4 1/2 hours away near Canton, Missouri. It was perfect! No cell reception. No internet. It was nice to be completely disconnected and to spend time together, distraction free.

Our view from the lake house - I love the sun streams!

Not long after our arrival there was a hail storm with golf ball sized hail. Literally. I have never seen or heard anything like it! The water was shooting up off the lake as the hail pelted down. It was really something to see! It was fast and furious. Fortunately it didn't cause any noticeable damage except maybe the outer pane of a neighbor's window.

The hail was so pretty with various designs and formations.

The kids had a great time collecting the largest chunks of hail after the storm and lining them all up on the lid of the turtle sandbox.

Despite its size, the hail melted fairly quickly and the kids enjoyed playing and fishing outside until they ran out of daylight.

Spencer, our fisherman.

Our days were filled with tourist excursions (details to come) and our evenings were filled with family games (Pictionary and Fazes were our favorites), and earlier bedtimes. It was just what we needed to help us gear up for our last quarter of school.

Bring it on! ;)


  1. Nice vacation! Glad you got a break. Whose Lake House?

  2. That looks so very relaxing. I was hoping you would post those hail pictures and the lake with the approaching storm. Thanks.
