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Friday, August 31, 2018

School Days

School has been in session for 2 1/2 weeks now and we're all looking forward to the long Labor Day weekend. We LOVE our days off!!

Sterling is a junior, Soren a sophomore and Sadie is in 8th grade - big man on campus at the middle school. These kids are ready for the year and off to a good start. Admittedly, we all cheer when the kids come home with no homework. That's the best! (You can read my thoughts about homework here. It's an old post, but nothing has changed in that department.)

Here's a picture from the first day of school. All three of these kids are significantly taller than they were this time last year. It's fun to watch them grow and become such great people. Most of the time they are pretty good friends with each other, too.

I'm looking forward to a great year.

(Can you tell my blog isn't on my radar? At all? I'm working on that.)


  1. I am not sure how I missed your "Dear Homework" letter from the past, but I did. So I just went back and read it. I need to post this EVERYWHERE...I feel the EXACT same way...ALL the time. I hate the dread homework brings. While I do see the contribution to discipline it can bring, and the contribution to knowledge, I think the near damning attributes FAR OUTWEIGH any inkling of a positive. Practice is good, yes, but there has got to be a better way!

    I do love the routine that school can bring to our house, but it seems also to be at such an expense, such a high price to pay when school and all the extracurricular activities weigh in for time from my kids' lives. Sports, and AP classes, and church, and seminary, and and and....ALL great things, but....this is our struggle. Kelsey JUST had to make a decision today (I gave her a week to pray about it and make a decision what to give up or I would make the decision for her). I have been a poor example of over committing myself, of being able to do everything to the point of hurting myself, my stress, my mental health, my physical health, everything. So I put my foot much as I hated to do so.

    Wow, I guess I had a lot to say on the topic of homework and being too busy! I miss you. I love writing to and hearing from Savannah. I'm glad life is as good as it can be for you. Maybe I need to call sometime and catch up!

    Love ya...Denise

  2. Hey- i am worse than you. once a year? goodness. Your kids are so great.
