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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Barn Raising

We’ve been saying for 8 years that someday we would build a new garage. The garage we had was built ca. 1920. It wasn’t even deep enough for our car, let alone our huge van. While it did a good job of keeping bikes, tools, and yard equipment dry, it had a dirt floor and leaned into one corner of the house.

I talk about this garage in past tense because it’s now history. It was demolished and hauled away earlier this Spring. After having the concrete poured for the floor, Jeff started building our new garage last week. WIthin a week he built 2 walls and several men from church generously volunteered to help him put them upright. Then over the following 3 days he built the next 2 walls. This is what the garage looked like (through a screened window) at 8:00 this morning:

By 9:00, with more help from our friends, the walls were all standing and secure:

It really helps when one of your friends brings a 40 foot lift that he just happened to be using on another job. So by 10:45, the trusses were up:

And by 2:15, the OSB and tar paper were secure and the shingles were lifted to the roof to make the finish job much easier this week:

Not bad for a day’s work! Sadie told me that Daddy was building a house. I asked her who was going to live in it. After thinking about that for a bit, she said, “The car and van!”

Meanwhile, Sterling and Spencer found a lifeless baby bird in the yard.

The bird is on the white slab they are looking at. They named it “Tweet Tweet” and surrounded it with grass for a little nest. Then Sterling made a headstone for the burial plot:

Rest in peace Tweet Tweet!

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