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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Savannah was asked to give a talk in Primary today. She wrote her talk mostly by herself and Jeff was able to come in and hear her speak. She did a great job and paid a nice tribute to her Dad. Her talk is printed below:

“F” is for fantastic and fun. Once my dad built a two-seater bike and named her “Maggie”, which is short for “Babe Magnet”. You can probably tell that he put this together before he was married. We still have her, and my brothers and I love to ride her around the neighborhood.
“A” is for awesome and amazing. I’m so impressed with my dad. He’s always such a hard worker. If he starts a project, he always finishes it. My dad can do lots of things that most of my friends’ dad’s can’t do. He finished our basement, roofed and sided our house, and built a garage. Plus, he fixes our cars and anything else that breaks, and is an awesome teacher.
“T” is for totally terrific and tough. Really, you should see his muscles after working on our garage for a month. They’re like, even bigger than this. (This is where Savannah flexed her “big” muscles.)
“H” is for happy and heroic. Once, we had a mouse running around our house. My dad caught it and threw it in a field. When he came back, I told him he was my hero. He still is.
“E” is for excellent and energetic. If my dad wants to work on a project, he starts as soon as he can and makes sure he does everything right.
“R” is for righteous and reverent. During church every Sunday, my dad sits quietly and listens to the talks that are given while my mom wrestles the children.
As you can see, these letters spell the word “father”. All of these things listed describe my father. I didn’t have any letters in this word to represent “Priesthood Holder”, but my family and I are so blessed that my dad does hold the priesthood. I’m so glad that he and my family can be together forever. I love my dad very much, and am so glad that he‘s mine. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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