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Monday, June 16, 2008

Living in the Land of Lincoln

You just never know who you are going to meet at McDonald’s.

Tonight we took the kids to the church to help fill buckets with cleaning supplies for the flood victims in Iowa. On our way home we stopped at McDonald’s for ice cream. And sitting there, chatting with a group of friends, was Abraham Lincoln. I even asked if I could get a picture with him. He said he wasn’t dressed in his suit and top hat, but he agreed to the picture.

You know how sometimes you meet someone and their resemblance to someone you know is uncanny? Well, this man, B.F. McClerren, is a Lincoln impersonator and as such, he has not missed his calling in life. I remember the first time I saw him a year or two after we moved here. I just remember thinking, “Wow, that man looks just like Abraham Lincoln. I wonder if any one else thinks so!” (Duh!)

Tiffany, this one is for you!

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