Sam's Page:

Friday, August 8, 2008

Mmmm...Sweet Summer!

We’ve been gone for a couple of weeks and I think I’ve finally got it together enough to start blogging again.  I haven’t sorted through vacation photos yet so that blog will have to wait.  But we came home to a peach tree laden with fruit and we’ve been enjoying it all week.  We’ve had this tree for 2 years (thanks Lynne!) and last year, due to a late frost, we harvested a total of 5 peaches.  This year it was exploding with fruit and I thinned it so many times because it was obvious that the tree was too young to support so much fruit.  Without exaggeration, I removed at least 800 peaches in the early stages at one time or another and the tree is still so heavy with fruit that we thought the branches were broken when we got home from our trip.  Actually, the branches are still firmly attached to the trunk, they are just laying low from the weight but seem to stand up a bit better as we pick the peaches.   So yesterday it was peach jam and today a fresh peach pie.  Yum!!

In addition to peaches and much to Spencer’s delight, we were able to harvest enough corn for a couple of meals as well.  Corn-on-the-cob is his #1 favorite food! 

Somehow everything tastes so much better when it was grown in your own backyard!  I love Summer!

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