Sam's Page:

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Happy Birthday to our sweet little Sadie-Bug! It's hard to believe my baby girl is three years old, but what a fun three years it's been.

Sadie is very smart and knows exactly how to get what she wants. For example, she always needs to go potty during Sacrament meeting. It's a rare Sunday when we don't have to leave during the meeting to take her to the bathroom. One Sunday, Jeff decided to solve the problem by taking her to the bathroom right before the meeting started. She can go hours without needing to go so we were confident this would work. But then we were in that longish stretch of meeting about the time of the intermediate hymn and Sadie says, not very quietly, "I'm wetting!" Certain that she was faking, we tried to convince her that she didn't really need to go potty and that we'd take her after the meeting was over. But then a little louder she announced, "I'm wetting! I'm wetting in my underwear!" So now everyone around us thinks that Sadie is going to have an accident right on the bench or the floor and her parents are sitting there letting it happen. Needless to say, Sadie won and we made our weekly potty run during the meeting.

She definitely keeps us on our toes around here. We can't imagine life without our little bug and are so blessed to have her in our family! We love you, Sadie!!


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