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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

An Eventful Evening

Last night the kids and I spent a small portion of our evening hanging out in the basement hallway - one of the few places in our home that is underground and has no windows.  The tornado sirens were going off and Sterling was hysterical.  He doesn't handle bad weather very well.  It's the one thing that terrifies him.  Soren was also scared, but I think most of his fear was a reaction to Sterling's panic.  Sadie was a little worried as well, but she rode it out like a champ. 

Jeff was on campus for the annual Psi Chi awards banquet.  He presented one award to a student and then was surprised when he was awarded "Most Valuable Faculty Member" or "Faculty of the Year" or something like that.  Pretty cool!  :)  His group was herded to the basement of their building when the sirens went off. 

Sam was at school for play practice.  They also headed to the basement to wait out the storm and ended up practicing their songs for "Oklahoma," so it wasn't a total loss of practice time.  Fortunately, while we were right in the path of the storm and we got plenty of thunder, lightning, and rain, the worst of it wasn't as bad as we feared and we were soon back to our regular activities.  Whew!!

Sadie had an unexpected side-effect from the storm.  She informed Savannah last night, "That thunderstorm gave me the hiccups!"  Who knew!


  1. What exactly does "Most Valuable Faculty Member" mean, anyway? Does he have the highest net worth or something?

  2. Congratulations to Jeff on his award.
