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Monday, April 18, 2011

Keeping Track

Every Monday night we have Family Home Evening.  It's relatively informal in a structured sort of way.  Many times lessons are prepared at the last-minute or dessert is decided by whatever happens to be in the cupboard or freezer.  The activity usually ends up being a quick game of ultimate freeze tag when one of the boys gets to choose or duck-duck-goose when it's Sadie's turn.  Sure, there are times we have it all together and everything goes smoothly, but I'm not sure that is the goal.  I'm just thankful for one night a week when we are all together.  Those nights during the rest of the week are becoming increasingly scarce.  We've had gospel instruction, preparedness lessons (fire escape plans, etc.), lessons to help someone pass off a Scouting requirement, or making Valentine's (Sadie).  We've laughed, sung, prayed, and shared our talents.  Not everyone is happy to take part every time, but for the most part it's an enjoyable evening and something we look forward to. 

Here's how we keep track of who is in charge of what.  The chart is a little worse for the wear (Savannah is missing a leg), but I love it.  I found the cute magnets on some greeting cards several years ago.  We didn't have enough people for Jeff and me to have one so we're the presents.  (Maybe it helps our kids remember what a gift we are.  Ha ha!!)


  1. I wasn't aware all of your boys wore bows in their hair. Speaking of which, where is their hair?

  2. Up close, you can see that those are not bows, they are little tufts of hair. I didn't say they were an exact likeness of my kids...

  3. This is really cute. I have a Savannah, too. She has both her legs. We never had a formal thing like this to keep track of things. I like them and wish we would have, but I guess the point is just having Family Home Evening.

    I really enjoy your blog. It's funny how you can get to know someone you've never met before. Should you ever decide you want to be on facebook, (I didn't til I had a book contract, so I totally understand), be sure to friend me!
