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Friday, July 22, 2011

Cereal For Dinner

We interrupt this vacation recap to bring you the following weather report...

It's hot.  I mean like steamy, gross hot.  The kids don't want to play outside because sweating buckets right after they walk out the door is not their idea of fun.  We have gone to the community pool every day this week, but the water is in the 90's so it's hardly refreshing.  If I really wanted bathwater, I'd go downstairs and sit in the tub.  We haven't turned on the oven in days.   By dinnertime, our house is so warm that no one wants to eat hot food, let alone turn on the oven and warm up the house even more.  Yes, we have air conditioning, but our rates fluctuate throughout the day so we really try to keep it off during the peak hours.  (Maybe there is such a thing as too cheap...?)

The other night, I couldn't think of anything to make for dinner that a) didn't require the oven or b) we hadn't already eaten 3 or more times in the past 3 days.  When I casually threw out cold cereal as a cop out suggestion, you'd think I had just announced we were all going to Disneyland.  Oh the novelty!  The kids took full advantage and somehow talked us into letting them eat it on the floor while watching television.  I was only slightly embarrassed when our friend stopped by to drop something off during dinner.  So much for visions of the Stowell family gathered around the kitchen table with the aroma of a home cooked meal wafting through the house as we engage in lively dinnertime conversation!

Actually, now that I think about it, this is what I love about summer.  No, not the heat.  I love the spontaneity.  Doing things on a whim.  Deviating from the norm.  School will be back in session soon enough bringing with it schedules and structure and rigid bedtimes.  (And early morning Seminary...sigh!)  We'll do our best to enjoy these last few weeks of summer, but I'll have to remember during the doldrums of school to occasionally serve cereal for dinner.  On the floor.  In front of the television.  Just for fun.  :)

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