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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday, Baby Girl!

July 12, at Grandma and Grandpa Martin's house in Nevada
Dear Sadie-bug,  

How did my baby get to be six years old?  Could you please stop growing up so fast?  Every time I turn around lately you are losing another tooth, a sure sign of a first grader!  I can't imagine our family without you.  I love watching you with daddy.  You follow him around and help him with whatever happens to be on his list for the day.  You might be a little bossy, but he doesn't mind.  And when daddy isn't home, you happily help me, instead.  You are great company.  I know we don't always know the answers when you ask "why?" but you ask it so often that we know you are just taking everything in and thinking so hard about the world you live in. 

You are so funny.  From your nonsense jokes to your infectious laugh, you spread cheer everyday.  You are a little piece of sunshine.  I know my world wouldn't be nearly as bright without you in it.  I'm proud of you for freaking out less as you get older.  You are learning how to communicate your frustrations without getting so frustrated!  I can tell you are trying really hard. 

I'll miss my afternoon buddy when you are in school all day.  I know you'll be a great student - you are such a hard worker! - but it just won't be the same at home without you and your questions, made up songs, great ideas and opinions to keep me company.  I'll look forward to 3:00 everyday! 

I love you, my sweet Sadie.  I hope six is your best year so far!

Don't you love Sadie's layered look?  We were in Nevada on her birthday and our evening was to be spent in Vegas.  Knowing she would be tired on the way home, she put her pajamas on under her clothes so she could easily wear her p.j.'s on the drive back to Boulder City.  No amount of coaxing could convince her that this was not fashionable a great idea.  This girl is a thinker!  ;) 


  1. Happy Birthday Sadie! You are a sweety!

  2. Cute girl. It's rough when your kids just keep getting older. My youngest turned 11 this year. OUCH!

  3. It is hard watching that youngest one grow up and mine is only two and a half. What a cutie!
