Sam's Page:

Friday, September 9, 2011


My dad was supposed to arrive at our house tonight.  He's been on his Midwestern trade show tour and we were planning on having him here for a quick weekend stay.  But when he found out about the Grandparents' Breakfast with Soren's class, he adjusted his schedule to arrive a day early.  That means he was there when Soren shared a poem and Grandpa was able to share some memories of his own.  They enjoyed juice and muffins together and Soren felt pretty important.   I stole Sadie out of her class so she could spend some extra time with Grandpa as well.  It was a great morning.  Grandpa rearranged his schedule to be here last year when Sterling's class hosted a Grandparents' Breakfast as well.  I'd say we're pretty lucky considering Grandpa lives over 1,700 miles away.  Thanks, dad, for taking extra time out of your busy travel schedule for us.  We love spending time with you!

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