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Sunday, September 11, 2011

HR (Handsome Rob)

I'm sure there must be quite a collection of thoughtful blog posts today about 9/11 and the impact it has had on individuals, our country and the world over the past decade.  I can still remember where I was and what I was doing when that first tower fell.  But I had another thought that fateful day.  I thought of my brother, Rob.  No, Rob wasn't anywhere near New York on 9/11/2001.  In fact, he had recently graduated from high school and was celebrating his 18th birthday.  A pretty ominous entry into adulthood, wouldn't you say?  

And so, on this 10th anniversary of 9/11, along with the memories and tributes that have been paid, I wanted to wish a Happy Birthday to Rob (a.k.a., HR or Handsome Rob).  I will admit I am cheating just a little.  I originally wrote this blog post for a blog that I abandoned a couple of years ago, but why reinvent the wheel? I think you'll enjoy getting to know my "little" brother.  He's a pretty great guy... 

Rob is significantly younger than I.  In fact, Rob turned 5 right after I started my first year of college.  I recently came across this note that he sent me at school:

note from Rob
“Hi Missy How ya doin I miss ya Love Robby”
Awww.  Isn’t that so cute?  He must have forgiven me for the haircut I gave him only weeks before school started.  Mom was in the hospital having baby Jeffrey so I thought I’d help her out by cutting Rob’s hair.  I’d never given a haircut before, but how hard could it be with clippers?  Did you know that you are supposed to attach an extension on the clippers before you begin?  Did you know that your subject will be bald if you don’t?  Um, yeah.  Rob was bald.  But hey, that much longer before he needed another haircut, right?  Sadly, I have no photos of that event.  Fortunately, he’s had great hair ever since. As if great hair wasn’t enough, Rob is very stylish as is demonstrated in this never-before-seen photo:

Is that classy or what?  Even from a young age he has demonstrated an impeccable fashion sense.  Today you’re more likely to see him in a cardigan sweater or a frightening clever t-shirt.

Another great quality is that he loves loved cats.  We had a cat which was the runt of the litter and rather ugly and so we named him Yoda.  Rob loved Yoda!  And from the photo, it looks like feelings were mutual.  This is how they slept pretty much every night:

I’m wondering if Rob’s love for cats ended when Yoda ran away one year on his birthday.
Oh, and Rob is very talented/clever.  That can be aptly demonstrated by this amazing hat he created.  Again, his sense of style leaves me speechless.
Rob is the self-proclaimed “favorite uncle” to my kids.
uncle rob rob-and-sadie-1
It’s obvious they love him!
Rob is also an ultimate frisbee pro, killer bunnies champion, and amazing family historian.  It’s no wonder we put up with him love him as much as we do!

who me?

Happy Birthday, Rob. We love you and hope this is your best year so far!!


  1. Thanks Missy How ya doin I miss ya Love Rob

    postscript- I'm going to see to it that my roommates never stumble across some of the pictures in this post...

  2. So how old is Handsome Rob and is he single? I'm always on the lookout for those I love.

  3. I love this post! I remember Rob best at those ages- and I remember Yoda! Happy Birthday HR!

  4. Funny cat... Rob was the ONLY person Yoda liked!!! I don't think he ran away, but he did disappear on Rob's birthday one year. Guess we'll never know what happened to him. :(
