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Thursday, November 17, 2011


We had our Young Women in Excellence program last night.  I was a little bit worried about it.  Some of our girls haven't been very excited about Personal Progress.  Since Young Women in Excellence is a "celebration of Personal Progress," I challenged each of them to do something that they could share last night.  Well those amazing girls stepped right up to the plate and did a great job!  I was so proud of them as they shared what they've learned, what they still hope to accomplish, and how setting goals has helped them.  A member of our Bishopric is doing the program with the girls so he contributed his accomplishments last night as well.
Our theme was S.T.A.R. - Stand for Truth And Righteousness
There is a Primary song called I Am Like a Star which went along with our theme for the evening: S.T.A.R. - Stand for Truth And Righteousness. (No credit to myself for that one.  The internet is full of good ideas!!)  I wrote a second verse to the Primary song which went like this:  I am like a star shining brightly, shining for the whole world to see.  I can be a light, stand for truth and right, and be all that He wants me to be. The young women sang that as our special musical number for the evening.  Simple and sweet.

Our Bishop challenged each young woman to:  Seize the Day (Carpe Diem), live life more abundantly (see John 10:10), and be anxiously engaged in good causes (D&C 58:27).  [Maybe he forgot he was speaking to the young women because I'm pretty sure that was all for me!!]

It was a great evening, complete with an impressive display of food at the end.  From spiced cider, meatballs, little sausages wrapped in crescent rolls to a huge veggie tray and star shaped cupcakes, there was something for everyone.  The young men and cub scouts who found us after their activities enjoyed the treats as well.  :)  (Hooray for a wonderful counselor who took on the food challenge and outdid herself.  Otherwise, we would have had homemade cookies and water...)

Overall, a great evening!  (I am SO glad that's over!!)


  1. Sounds like a wonderful evening... so glad it turned out well. I love your new song verse too! You are so clever and talented and fabulous!!! I love you!



    (And your counselor is worth her weight in GOLD!!!!!)

  2. So cute...I loved the gum wrapper for personal progress too..(don't know if I got far enough to email my thanks) What lucky young women in your ward!

  3. What a nice evening. Now you can breath--until Sunday. It's such a big calling. Your girls are lucky to have you.

  4. Sounds like YW in Excellence was a great success! We had ours that same evening--it certainly is nice when it's over!

  5. I happened across your blog while looking to see if someone had written any more verses to "I Am Like a Star." We are having our Young Women in Excellence a week from today and I have been looking for songs to go with the theme "Shine" taken from "Arise and Shine Forth." I love the idea of using this song and your second verse. Would you mind if we use it?


    Laura - Mia Maid advisor from AL.

  6. Laura,
    You are more than welcome to use the verse. I'm glad you like it! :)
