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Monday, November 14, 2011

A Weekend With the Grands

The kids knew someone was coming to see us last weekend.  We didn't tell them who it was and their imaginations were pretty active in guessing who our special guests would be. 

Sam knew our mystery guests would be attending the Symphony Orchestra concert to hear him and Sterling play and, boy howdy, did they ever practice hard!  (It was awesome, by the way!!) 

Everyone was pretty excited when Grandma and Grandpa Stowell showed up late Thursday night! 

Together we enjoyed beautiful warm (but windy!!) weather, several fun activities associated with 11-11-11 on Friday, celebrated Sterling's birthday on Saturday and soaked up the amazing music at the symphony on Sunday.  It was a great weekend!  We were sad to see them go this morning. 

Thanks for coming, Grandma and Grandpa!  Hurry back!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, having the grandparents come and having them all to yourselves is one of the silver linings to living far away from family. It's not the same when you're close. Other people are usually there and the visits are short. When we lived far away we loved the time with grandpa and grandma, the breakfasts, the late nights, all of it. Glad you could have such a nice weekend.
