One of the girls at church needed a Prom date. Sam had 3 things going for him: He recently turned 16 which, in our house, means he can now date; he already owns a tuxedo; he's a super nice guy who is fun to be around.
Sadie was really getting into the whole thing with her attitude of "Woo-woo Prom!" which completely embarrassed Sam. Tonight is more about two friends hanging out - nothing serious - but I'm proud of Sam for being willing. He sure looked spiffy before the big event!
Sam, all dressed up, with Savannah (not so dressed up):
What cute kids. I hope he had a great time. Why does he own a tux? And Savannah's chocolate milk looks way too tempting.
Sam owns a tux for his high school choir. Hopefully it will still fit him through his last two years of high school!
You didn't say in your post that it was Savannah that needed the date...
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