Friday, November 30, 2012

Mary or Martha?

By Simon Dewey
As I sat down with my plate of food at our Relief Society gathering last night, I noticed the little picture of Jesus with Mary and Martha that had been set at my place. I've never been able to remember which one is Mary and which is Martha.

That problem was solved when our Stake Relief Society President, during her remarks, shared a sure way to remember. She said,

"Mary is the one listening to Jesus because
Martha Stewart is in the kitchen!" 

I'll never forget! :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

At Least She Was Quiet About It

See this cute little tea party? This is for Sadie's stuffed animals. She has it all set up in the toy room right now which is right where it should be.

Unlike yesterday...

Yesterday when we left for church, Sadie had Teddy in her arms (as usual) and a bag of other stuff. I didn't bother checking the bag because she sometimes brings a coloring book or church magazine or an extra outfit for Teddy so I figured that's what she had in there.

Imagine my surprise when, right in the middle of Sacrament Meeting, I looked over and Sadie had this tea party (minus the table and chairs) set up on the pew. What on earth? There was only one child between me and her so she was very quiet as she set it all up. I had no idea. Mean mom that I am, I made her put it back in her bag and sit reverently on the bench for the rest of the meeting.

But it's kind of funny now.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Cute Little Christmas Tree

Here is my Sadie-bug, trying on the Christmas tree star. I sure love this crazy girl!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have more than enough and so much to be thankful for! We're missing our families, but we are grateful to be spending the day with good friends and plenty of food. We are blessed!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A MINI Milestone

My Mini passed 100,000 miles last week! Only about 30,000 miles of those are mine, but what a fun 30,000 they've been. I still feel spoiled every time I drive my cute little car.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Super Ear Man

Soren's got a great imagination. I don't know how he comes up with these things...

What a funny kid! :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Saying Goodbye

Last night we said a sad goodbye to Absa. Because we were asked to be a "Welcome Family," we hosted her for a little over the first 2 months of her stay. We loved having her here. She is the most respectful, calm, easy going girl and we enjoyed the time that she was in our home. It was fun showing her things for the first time and learning about her culture.

Absa is joining a family who has one child, a daughter her age. I'm sure she'll get a lot more attention and there won't be nearly as much chaos in her new home. (Things get pretty crazy around here on a daily basis!) We look forward to inviting her over and keeping in close touch throughout the remainder of her time in our little corner of the world. It's been a great experience.

All our best, Absa, as you start on your new adventure! We'll miss you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Where's the Ketchup?

I asked Spencer to get the ketchup and mustard out for dinner the other day. This is what I found when I arrived at the table:

Spencer was as surprised as I was. He had no idea he'd grabbed the wrong bottle. We had a good laugh about it - then got out the ketchup. :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Birthday, Sterling!

A big happy birthday to my Sterling today. It's been 11 years of unpredictable adventures with this boy! He is an excellent student, a great composer (violin duets are his specialty), a fearless daredevil, a lego lover and an all around funny kid.

I sure love you, Sterling! I can't imagine life without you.

I hope 11 is your best year so far!

Sunday, November 11, 2012


We interrupt this happy blog to bring you the following announcement:

Jeff was set apart as our new Stake President today.

Don't get me wrong. I know our family will be blessed. I know that that Jeff will be able to fulfill his many new responsibilities, put in 40 hours per week at work and continue to do all he does for our home and family. I don't know how, but I know that somehow things will work out.

And I know that someday, hopefully soon, I'll be happy about it.

But after leaving the house before 7:00 this morning with all 9 of us polished and ready to go, driving to the Stake Center (it's an hour away), spending 7 hours at church, driving home, feeding the kids and then Jeff and I driving the hour once again to arrive home four hours later, I'm way too tired to be happy.

Maybe tomorrow.

This is a very patient Sadie waiting for daddy and trying out "his chair."

Friday, November 9, 2012

What Are We Thankful For?

In an effort to get my kids to focus on gratitude, I put out a blank slate for them to fill up with all the things they are thankful for. After just a few days, I'd say we're off to a pretty good start!

This is what we started with.

No surprise here. Sadie LOVES her bear!

Sound it out. You get the idea. :)

Translation: Foreign Exchange Students Like Absa
(Soren taught Sadie how to write her name in cursive and she's a fan! So cute!)

A few others that made the thankful list:
Lightsabers -Yoda (a.k.a. Sterling)
Cool Hair -Princess Leia
AP Chemistry -Sam
Ibuprofen -Jeff
Chocolate -Spencer
Freedom -Sadie
My Family -Soren

I hope we fill it right up. We have so much to be thankful for!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Late Bloomer

Do roses always bloom again in the fall? I guess I don't pay much attention to these things. Our roses were beautiful in the spring and kept on blooming right through the summer. But then they started to wilt and die and I figured they were done for the year. So I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed our white rose bush full of brand new blossoms the other day. It's as pretty as it ever was.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day (Finally!)

The big day of decision has finally arrived. I'm personally hoping for a Romney victory. I would like nothing more. But regardless of the outcome, I'm ready for it to be over.

So get out and vote. I'm grateful for the privilege!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Typical Sadie

I love this picture of Sadie. My little puzzle building whistler, happy as a clam in her own little world!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


This has been the most beautiful fall that I can remember in a long time. The trees seem to have turned colors earlier than usual which means we've been able to enjoy their brilliant display much longer. The colors also seem brighter than years past. Our grass, which suffered through the drought this summer, greened right up with early season rainstorms and only adds to the effect. I wish I had a dozen photos to go along with this post, but I never seem to have my camera available when I'm out and about soaking it all in.

So I wish you were here to see it.

I hope you are having a beautiful fall, too.