Sunday, November 11, 2012


We interrupt this happy blog to bring you the following announcement:

Jeff was set apart as our new Stake President today.

Don't get me wrong. I know our family will be blessed. I know that that Jeff will be able to fulfill his many new responsibilities, put in 40 hours per week at work and continue to do all he does for our home and family. I don't know how, but I know that somehow things will work out.

And I know that someday, hopefully soon, I'll be happy about it.

But after leaving the house before 7:00 this morning with all 9 of us polished and ready to go, driving to the Stake Center (it's an hour away), spending 7 hours at church, driving home, feeding the kids and then Jeff and I driving the hour once again to arrive home four hours later, I'm way too tired to be happy.

Maybe tomorrow.

This is a very patient Sadie waiting for daddy and trying out "his chair."


rob said...

Wow, that is a really nice chair! Good luck.

Kristin and Jay said...

How exciting/challenging for you all! I am sure you will be fantastic in your new roles!

Aaron & Nancy said...

Wow, Missy! Don't know if I should congratulate or send condolences. Your family will be blessed!

Karey said...

What an exciting/scary/selfless time these next years will be. I'm sure the blessings will far outweigh the sacrifices but I hope you'll feel strong and sustained through this time. Thinking of you!

Denise said...

I love you and ... well, know you are up for the task as much as Jeff is. I pray that you will soon feel that too. You will forever be a woman I look up to in ALL aspects of life!

cstowell said...

Whom the Lord calls he qualifies...Love you!!

Anonymous said...

They couldn't have found a better person for the calling. I know Jeff will be an awesome Stake President. Wish we were in your stake. :) We'll be praying for your family. God bless.