Tuesday, October 14, 2008


For one reason or another, Jeff and the kids all had the day off of school last Friday. Realizing this only a few days before, we decided to take our first family camping trip. We left Friday after lunch and headed north.

Settling into our campsite, we quickly realized that there were little black flying biting bugs everywhere. EVERYWHERE! They swarmed us and all of our equipment. I was feeling very discouraged wondering how we could possible stay. We slathered ourselves in bug spray, but it didn’t make a difference. Jeff suggested we leave our stuff and go down the road to a clearing where there was a playground and a fishing spot. We’d let the kids play and fish and then we’d decide what to do.

We enjoyed fishing and playing for a couple of hours. Before heading back to camp, we had a family prayer. Jeff asked Heavenly Father to take the bugs away so we could enjoy our time together. When we got back to camp, believe it or not, there were no bugs. None. We were all relieved and grateful and quickly went about setting up camp and cooking dinner. The odd thing was that as it became very dark and we had the lantern burning that evening, there weren’t even any bugs or moths swarming the lantern. They were just gone! Hooray!! It was so reassuring to know that Heavenly Father heard and answered our prayer even though our request probably sounded pretty trivial when you consider the problems in the world. But He loves us and He knew this was important to us.

Here are a few other highlights:

  • I lost my contact in the dirt when it was pitch dark. We actually found it, washed it off, and I was wearing it again the next morning.
  • I hung Savannah’s bra from a tree. It was pretty funny when she noticed it.
  • On our way home, we drove past a gas station. Sadie was looking out the window and said, “I see Santa Claus.” Sure enough, a group of bikers were filling up their motorcycles with gas and one of the bikers was dressed in a full Santa suit, complete with beard, hat and boots. Where’s my camera when I need it?

We all had a great time and I hope it will become a tradition!

Sterling (a.k.a. Luke Skywalker) using the force.

Savannah and Jeff cooking our bacon and egg breakfast.

The troops! (Sterling, do not pour that water on your brother’s head!)

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