Monday, October 20, 2008

The Homecoming Parade

Growing up in Utah, we always celebrated Pioneer Day on July 24th.  There’s a huge parade in the heart of downtown Salt Lake with amazing floats and top notch marching bands.  For years, my Dad’s office was on the parade route.  Since Wall Street doesn’t celebrate Pioneer Day, we’d all go visit my Dad at work and watch the parade in front of his office.  It was always a fun time and something I remember with fondness.

This past week was Homecoming for our little University.  We always attend the parade on Saturday morning.  It doesn’t even compare to the floats and other attractions I remember from my youth, but I honestly can’t remember ever enjoying a parade more than I did on Saturday.  My heart was completely happy and I loved every minute of it.

Of course the parade included floats:

The theme this year was “Rock ‘n’ Roll, Pop ‘n’ Soul”.  Don’t you love the yellow submarine?  :)

There were also a variety of people:

The World War II veterans.  We won’t see them at many more parades.  The man looking at the camera is Don.  We’ve got several pieces of furniture in our home handcrafted by him.  He just works out in his garage every day making furniture.  You can go and buy what you see or tell him exactly what you want and he’ll make for you.  He and his wife are very welcoming and stopped in on Christmas morning one year to visit.  Nice people.

This guy was born in the wrong generation.  Seriously.  He isn’t just dressed up here for the parade, but those are his real sideburns and I sometimes see him around town, always on his horse and always dressed from the 1800’s.

The Association of International Students.  I love that there are students here from many countries.  I wish I could invite them all over to my house to teach us about their homeland.  We’ve done that with some of Jeff’s colleagues and it’s always a very enjoyable and educational experience.

This is a “cheer” squad, but I’m not sure where they’re from.  They weren’t representing a particular school, but man, these kids knew how to get down!  They were really putting on a show.

This man is in our ward.  He and his wife run the local haunted house.  Actually, it’s an old, abandoned mental hospital which makes it that much more creepy!!  Sadie wasn’t especially fond of him at the parade.  He was carrying a chainsaw and scaring the “bejeebers” (as my brother would say) out of all the kids.  Nice guy, really!

This girl gets the award for most dedicated marching band member. 

Mr. Recycle Man

One of the most handsome parade watchers!

And last, but not least, the vehicles:

Old, new, green, BIG, and what would a parade be without the Shriners?

My favorite was the University library staff all dressed up as hippies.  They were carrying signs like “Give Books a Chance”, but the best one was:

The kids’ favorite part?  The candy, of course.  They ended up with a whopping 10+ pounds.  Yes, they weighed it.  Guess what we’re giving out for Halloween?

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